Welcome to the digital section of our New England Road & Recreation Atlas. Thank you for joining us here at www.benchmarkmaps.com. Below is a list of resources with direct web/phone contact that will help you explore New England. By clicking a link below, you will be directed away from our website, but we welcome you back anytime. More interesting content from Benchmark Maps can be found through the social media icons you see here. We welcome comments from the field to atlas@benchmarkmaps.com.
Connecticut Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) 860-424-3000 Boating Fishing & Hunting Licenses Fishing Hunting Parks & Forests Camping Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) 860-594-2000 Road Conditions Connecticut Office of Tourism 888-288-4748
Maine Baxter State Park 207-723-9616 Maine Bureau of Parks & Land 207-287-3821 State Parks & Public Land Camping Snowmobiling Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife (MDIFW) 207-287-8000 Boating Fishing & Hunting Licenses Fishing Hunting Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) 207-624-3000 Road Conditions Maine Office of Tourism 888-624-6345
Massachusetts Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation 617-626-1250 State Parks & Forests Camping Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) 877-623-6846 Road Conditions Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) 508-389-6300 Fishing & Hunting Licenses Fishing Hunting Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism 800-227-6277
New Hampshire New Hampshire Department of Transportation (DOT) 603-271-3734 Road Conditions New Hampshire Division of Travel & Tourism (Visit NH) 603-271-2665 New Hampshire Fish & Game Department (NHFGD) 603-271-3421 Fishing & Hunting Licenses Fishing Hunting OHRV & Snowmobiling New Hampshire State Parks 603-271-3556 Camping
Rhode Island Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) 401-222-4700 Boating Fishing & Hunting Licenses Fishing Hunting Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) 401-222-2450 Road Conditions/Advisories Rhode Island State Parks 401-667-6200 Camping Visit Rhode Island 800-556-2484
Vermont Vermont Agency of Transportation (Vtrans) 802-917-2458 Go! Vermont 800-685-7433 Road Conditions Vermont Association of Snow Travelers (VAST) 802-229-0005 Vermont Department of Tourism & Marketing 802-828-3237 Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department 802-828-1000 Fishing & Hunting Licenses Fishing Hunting Vermont State Parks 888-409-7579 Camping
National Parks, Monuments, Sites, Trails, Recreation Areas Acadia National Park 207-288-3338 Adams National Historical Park 617-773-1177 Appalachian National Scenic Trail 304-535-6278 Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park 401-725-8638 Boston National Historical Park 617-242-5601 Boston African American National Historic Site 617-429-6760 Boston Harbor Island National Recreation Area 617-223-8666 Cape Cod National Seashore 508-255-3421 Coltsville National Historical Park 860-500-6078 Frederic Law Olmsted National Historic Site 617-566-1689 John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site 617-566-7937 Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument 207-546-6001 Longfellow House Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site 617-876-4491 Lowell National Historical Park 978-970-5000 Marsh–Billings–Rockefeller National Historical Park 802-457-3668 Minute Man National Historical Park 978-369-6993 Moosalamoo National Recreation Area New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park 508-996-4095 New England National Scenic Trail 413-351-8182 North Country National Scenic Trail 616-319-7906 Roger T. Stafford White Rocks National Recreation Area Roger Williams National Memorial 401-521-7266 Roosevelt Campobello International Park 506-752-2922 Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park 603-675-2175 Saint Croix Island International Park 207-454-3871 Salem Maritime National Historic Site 978-740-1650 Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site 781-233-0050 Springfield Armory National Historic Site 413-734-8551 Touro Synagogue National Historic Site 401-847-4794 Washington–Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail 610-783-1006 Weir Farm National Historical Park 203-834-4896
National Forests Green Mountain National Forest 802-747-6700 Manchester Ranger Station 802-632-2307 Rochester Ranger Station 802-767-4261 White Mountain National Forest 603-536-6100 Androscoggin Ranger District 603-466-2713 Pemigewasset Ranger District 603-536-6100 Saco Ranger District 603-447-5448 White Mountain Visitor Center 603-745-3816
National Weather Service Albany, NY Forecast Office 518-626-7570 Burlington, VT Forecast Office 802-862-2475 Caribou, ME Forecast Office 207-492-0182 Gray/Portland, ME Forecast Office 207-688-3216 New York, NY Forecast Office 631-924-0517 Norton, MA Forecast Office 508-622-3250
Other Contactst Appalachian Trail Conservancy Discover New England Green Mountain Club 802-244-7037 International Appalachian Trail Long Trail Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MTBA) 617-222-3200 New England Trail Northern Forest Canoe Trail 802-496-2285 Recreation.gov Reserve America Ski New England Visit New England Visiting New England White Mountains Visitor Center 603-745-8720